Friday, June 10, 2011

The present - how it is perceived by the human.

The fundamental fallacy of all times that has not been revealed till now is that the present is real. But the truth is that only past and future are real – the present is not real for most of the time. The present is unknown and not perceived most of the time unlike past and future which are fully perceived. By the present we mean the very existence, presence or the chances that it can affect the past and future in what the latter mean to the self. The present exists only when and to the degree the future is not shaped by the past – only in this case we can speak of existence of present. Otherwise, past becomes future without any principal (structural) change or modification i.e. without obtaining new properties/qualities - it just undergoes transformation due to time.  In a sense the present is the most lost time for the person. The present is the only time when the soul can peform but it often gets lost when the present is lost. For the conscious the past is represented by structured and objectified experience and the future represents a set of structured logical inductive and deductive forecasts. So there is a mistery of presence on one hand and fear of presence on the other. The self-preservation instinct operates in the present and crucially limits the psyche of the person. In a sense the future is equal to past and person always tries to get lost between these two in his present. He knows how future becomes past and seeks to have a smooth transformation of future into past. The present is a great challenge for the person. As the person does not know whether the present is going to bring about positive or negative balance as well as the extent of such outcome, he tries to manage that intersection as much as possible because the person as he thinks can interact with the matter only in the present and can exercise a certain degree of control over reality. The person thus, in the present, is preoccupied with the task of interacting with matter, however funnily enough he can in the present interact only with the matter of past and future. In the present he has no means of interacting with the matter because in the present he is only on his “own side” of reality, in other words in the present he can do only what comes out of his inner self, and then what comes next i.e. interaction with matter is already past as is essentially merely a feedback. That is why the only way the present can be perceived is to focus on one’s own inner self rather than the surrounding world and its different materializations which have either been already reflected on in and as the past or not been felt yet with either of senses while still having been in existence objectively no matter the person has felt them with either of senses or not. In this regard there is no way to apply the notions of past, present and future to bare matter but to changes/modifications thereof. This is the meaning of present from the point of view of the human.

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